Skills - trang 41 Unit 4 SGK Tiếng Anh 10 mới

Tổng hợp các bài tập phần Skills trang 41 Unit 4 SGK Tiếng Anh 10 mới.


Why do people volunteer?

1. You are going to read a text about the reasons why people volunteer. Before you read, tick the reasons you think you may find in the text.

Bạn sẽ đọc một bài viết về lí do tại sao người ta làm tình nguyện. Trước khi bạn đọc, đánh dấu vào lí do bạn nghĩ bạn có thể tìm được trong bài viết.

1. They want to do something good for others.

2. Volunteers have a chance to interact with new cultures, try new food, meet new people, and speak new languages.

3. Volunteers become more concerned and aware of the problems facing the world.

4. Volunteers feel the pride that comes from completing something.

5. Volunteer work is a great way to gain experience in a broad range of fields.

6. Volunteer work can often lead to a paid job.

2. Read the text and check if your predictions in 1 are correct.

Đọc bài viết và kiểm tra xem sự dự đoán của bạn ở bài 1 có đúng không.

People volunteer for a number of different reasons. One of the more obvious reasons why people volunteer is because they find something they are passionate about and want to do something good for others.

1 ________. Many people who volunteer think that they are very fortunate to live the way they do and want to give something back to society, as a way of balancing the scales.

Many people choose to volunteer because of the personal benefits that volunteering has on their character. 2 __________. In most cases, volunteers also become more concerned and aware of the problems facing the world and many feel that they were ignorant or narrow-minded before.

Volunteer work is a great way to gain experience in a broad range of fields. 3 __________. Volunteering is a great way to put in a little of your time and gain some valuable skills, whether professional or practical.

Volunteer work can often lead to a paying job. Volunteers can try out a field to see if it suits them and also show that they are dedicated enough to work for free in the hope that it may lead to a paid job 4 _________.



3. Read the text. Complete the text by matching sentences a-e with gaps 1-4. There is one extra sentence you do not need.

Đọc bài viết. Hoàn thành bài viết bằng cách nối các câu a-e với các khoảng trống từ 1-4. Có một câu thừa bạn không cần đến.

___ a. Indeed, a volunteer often says that the experience has made him or her a better person.

___ b. You can gain experience in education, social work, health care, marketing, and design... The opportunities are endless.

___ c. English teaching is a great example of a volunteer job that often turns into a car

___ d. People who volunteer in their community have a personal attachment to the area and want to make it a better place for themselves and for others.

___ e. One of the greatest benefits of volunteeri abroad is being able to spend an extender period of time in a new country.


1 - d People who volunteer in their community have a personal attachment to the area and want to make it a better place for themselves and for others.

2 - a Indeed, a volunteer often says that the experience has made him or her a better person.

3 - b You can gain experience in education, social work, health care, marketing, and web design: The opportunities are endless.

4 - c English teaching is a great example of a volunteer job that often turns into a career.


4. Look at the highlighted word in the text and choose the correct meaning.

Nhìn vào những từ được tô sáng trong bài viết và chọn nghĩa đúng.

1. obvious

A. clear                      B. unclear                C. important

2. fortunate

A. unlucky                 B. lucky                   C. wealthy

3. concerned

A. tired                       B. bored                   C. worried

4. narrow-minded

A. open to different people

B. not open to different opinions

C. open to different opinions

5. dedicated

A. devoted                 B. excited                C. interested


1. A

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. A


5. In pairs, discuss the following statements.

Làm việc theo cặp, thảo luận những nhận định sau.

1. There's no need to volunteer as very few people can benefit from volunteer work.

2. The best way to volunteer is to give people money when they need it.



Community Development

1. Look at some activities for community development. Match them with the reasons why they are important.

Nhìn vào các hoạt động cho sự phát triển cộng đồng. Nối chúng với lí do tại sao chúng quan trọng.


1. c

2. d

3. e

4. a

5. b

2. Work in pairs. Discuss why the activities above are important for community development.

Làm việc theo cặp. Thảo luận tại sao những hoạt động trên lại quan trọng cho việc phát triển cộng đồng.


Student A: I think job training for young people is very important.

Student B: I agree. Young people are the future of a country, so training them in the right way is very important. Protecting the environment is important, too.

Student A: That's true. We all need a healthy environment.

3. Work in groups. Look again at the activities in 1. Discuss and decide on the three most urgent / important things to do in your local area and explain why.

Làm việc theo nhóm. Nhìn lại vào các hoạt động ở bài 1. Thảo luận và quyết định chọn ra 3 thứ cấp bách / quan trọng nhất phải làm ở địa phương của bạn và giải thích tại sao.

4. Present your group's decisions to the whole class. The class votes for the group with the best decisions.

Trình bày ý kiến của nhóm bạn với cả lớp. Cả lớp sẽ bình chọn cho nhóm với ý kiến hay nhất.


Help the needy!

1. Discuss the following questions with a partner.

Thảo luận những câu hỏi sau với một người bạn.

Are there people who need help in your community? If yes, what kind of help do they need? What are some different ways people can help out in their community?

Có ai cần giúp đỡ trong cộng đồng của bạn không? Nếu có, người ta cần giúp đỡ kiểu gì? Những cách khác nhau mọi người thường giúp đỡ ở cộng đồng của họ là gì?


2. Match the words with their definitions. What are the parts of speech of these words?

Nối các từ với nghĩa của chúng. Từ loại của những từ này là gì?


a. public service announcement (noun phrase)

b. donate (v)

c. non-profit (adj)


3. Listen to the announcement by the director of Heart to Heart Charity and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

Lắng nghe bài diễn văn của giám đốc Trung tâm Từ thiện Từ Trái Tim Đến Trái Tim và quyết định xem những nhận định sau đúng (T) hay sai (F).

Click tại đây để nghe:


1. T

2. F

3. F

4. F

5. T


This is a public service announcement for the Heart to Heart Charity. We are a non-profit organisation that helps people in need. As theTet holiday approaches, we are asking you to think of those in our community who need help. Even today, we have unbelievable problems in our community. Many children and adults are hungry, cold and sick every day. Our goal here at Heart to Heart Charity is to help those people. To do this, we need your help. To help, you can do one of three easy things. First, you can donate food and clothes to our organisation. Your food and clothing will go straight to someone who needs it. Second, you can donate money to our organisation. We will only use your money to buy food, clothes, and medicine for the needy. Or last, you can donate your time and work in the office. We always need new volunteers. Your donation of any kind will always be welcome. So please contact us at 15 Ha Thanh Street. We are open from 8.30 a.m. to 10p.m. every day.


4. Listen to the announcement again and choose the best answer.

Lắng nghe lại bài diễn văn và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.

Click tại đây để nghe:


1. C

2. A

3. B


5. Work in groups. Ask and answer the following questions.

Làm việc theo nhóm. Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi sau.

Have you ever volunteered or done community service? If yes, what did you do? If no, what is your plan to help people in your community?


Bạn đã bao giờ làm tình nguyện hay làm hoạt động dịch vụ cộng đồng? Nếu rồi, bạn đã làm gì? Nếu chưa, kế hoạch của bạn để giúp mọi người trong cộng đồng là gì?



Volunteer work

1. Read the letter. Why did Quan write it?

Đọc lá thư. Tại sao Quân viết nó?


He wanted to apply for the volunteer teaching job.


2. Read the letter and answer the questions.

Đọc lá thư và trả lời câu hỏi.

1. How did Quan find out about the job?

2. Who did Quan teach last summer?

3. How long did he teach them?

4. How does Quan describe himself?

5. How many references can Quan give?

6. When can Quan start teaching?


1. Quân đã biết về công việc như thế nào?

2. Quân đã dạy ai mùa hè vừa rồi?

3. Quân dạy họ trong bao lâu?

4. Quân tự mô tả về mình như thế?

5. Quân có thể đưa ra bao nhiêu chứng nhận?

6. Khi nào Quân có thể bắt đầu dạy?


1. He saw the advertisement in the Youth Newspaper on February 22nd.

2. He taught a group of primary students in his area.

3. He taught Them for two months.

4. He is creative, patient, and has great love for children.

5. He can give four references.

6. He can start teaching from next month.


3. Read the letter again. Match each paragraph in the letter with is purpose.


Pgph 1 - b

Pgph 2 - c

Pgph 3 - d

Pgph 4 - a


4. Read the job advertisement. Answer the questions about it.

Đọc tin tuyển dụng công việc. Trả lời câu hỏi về nó.

1. What qualities are needed for the job?

2. What are the job's duties?


1. Những phẩm chất cần có cho công việc là gì?

2. Nhiệm vụ của công việc là gì?


1. Reliable and hard-working.

2. Welcoming guests and receving donations for the organisation.

5. You would like to volunteer at the Heart to Heart Charity Office. Write a formal letter of 140-160 words applying for the job. Follow the writing plan in 3.

Bạn có thể muốn làm tình nguyện tại Văn phòng Tình nguyện Từ Trái Tim Đến Trái Tim. Hãy viết một lá thư trang trọng khoảng 140-160 từ để xin việc. Làm theo dàn ý bài viết ở bài 3.

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